Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ashlyn Adell

Baby Ashlyn Adell was born on Oct 26 to Paula and Bardell McKay. She was 6 lbs 6 oz 19 inches. From the beginning Paula noticed things weren't quite right with her legs and bowels. Paula took her to local Dr's who assured her things were fine and then to a friend who's a chiropractor, Dr Willes. Dr Willes advised her to get to a specialist as soon as possible.

Paula took Ashlyn into a Dr in Salt Lake where her life changed forever. At 2 weeks old. Paula was informed she had a tumor in her belly wrapping around to her spine which was causing her legs not to move. She would have to go in for surgery to have it biopsied, removed, and tests. After 4 hours she was out of surgery. By morning she was already beginning to move her leg.

She has an intermediate level of cancer that is still growing and has grown in the week she has been at Primary Children's. They are still doing tests to decide how far the cancer has spread with in her body.

Ashlyn has been resting and regaining strength so they can begin Chemo soon. She had a bone scan today that looks good but more results should be back in the next day or so.


  1. Hi! I am a friend of Lindsey Duffy! My heart goes out to you and your family! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Thank you for keeping us all updated and know that we all think and pray for your precious little gift!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!

  2. I'm new to Panaca, but heard about your baby. God be with you guys. You will be in our thought and prayers

  3. Thanks We appreciate all the love and support from those we hold dear to our hearts and those we haven't met yet. The fact that you care enough to send your love, prayers, and thoughts do more than you will ever know... I will pass the messages on...
