Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Tune into night at 5 NV 6 UT time to hear Ashlyns Story in an interview done earlier today with Paula. I am anxiously awaiting to hear and see her on TV! Oh and its on KSL channel 5... glad I didn't forget that lol =D


  1. Just saw the KSL interview! What a sweet baby!! Do you guys have a facebook page? If not you should set one up. There is so much support out there and many groups for children in similar circumstances. A lot of ideas for raising money too. One did a auction, people donated different items and sent in pictures of the items and then they were auctioned off.

    My prayers are with your family. Please update if you do do a facebook page, or need any help!

  2. I saw your story on KSL. I hope you don't mind but I wanted to tell you what cured my friends cancer. He had a 20% chance of living through the first bout with cancer and a 5% chance with the 2nd bout. He started using frankincense oil (rubbing it on the spot with cancer) and it went away! The doctors were amazed. I apologize if you have been bombarded with suggestions I just know this helped my friend so much! You baby Ashlyn is beautiful! My prayers are with you and your family.


    Here is baby Ashlyn's Facebook page. Thank you for the suggestions we have held a facebook auction already we did it on black Friday the way you suggested and tomorrow there is a local dinner and silent auction. There are also bank accounts set up at Wells Fargo and First National Bank of Ely. Please continue to spread the word my Friend, Paula, and her family are ranchers so if they are not approved for medicaid they will have no insurance to help with the medical expenses. As the story said they also have 4 children here in McGill which stay with grandma while dad works. Paula and baby haven't been able to come home...Please donate if you can and continue to send your love, support and prayers...Lindsey Duffy
